Data on Polish debt obcnego are rather fragmentary and often contradictory, but there is no doubt that this debt is at least 10 times larger than under Gierek .
And so the foreign debt Polish it was in 2010, in / g The Bank of International Settlements , over $ 252,900,000,000 (over 253 billion US dollars ) , it is more than $ 6.639 per capita and 54 % of GDP and national debt ( "public ") is 56.3 % of GDP ( in / g CIA - 2010 ) .
According to an internal CIA ( "public " ) debt of the Republic of Poland in 2011 amounted to 53.4 % of GDP and foreign debt of the Republic of Poland in 2011 amounted to exactly 318.3 billion is 52.8 % of GDP ( 506.3 billion US dollars in the same year ) .
The so-called . net international investment position ( NIIP ), which is the difference between what the country has abroad and what is owed abroad ( the difference between a country 's external financial assets and Liabilities ) is for Polish MINUS 890.652 billion PLN , that is approx. 63 % GDP (1412.784 billion PLN ) - data for the year 2010 in / g Wikipedia.